Follow-Up Video of Christian Convert Amazing Advice
Amazing advice by a New Convert to Islam
British Philosopher vs. Islam
Clever Explanation of The Catholic Religion by a Philosopher. Please support the dawah by clicking the Blue thumbs up icon. Please learn the Dawah...
British Scientist Converts to Islam | Full Conversation – ‘LIVE’
Watch how Science in the Qur'an 'convinces' a British Scientist to convert. Please could you support the Da'wah by clicking the 'Like' button (Blue...
Christian becomes Muslim – Street Dawah-‘Live’
Damian chooses to accept Islam and takes his Shahadah at the Dawah table in North London. Please could you support the Da'wah by clicking...
Christian sees Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) in Dream & Converts!
See an amazing description of The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him (p.b.u.h)) which caused a Christian to Convert to Islam! Alhamdulillah. Please...
Jehovah’s Witness vs. Islam – Tear Jerking debate! – LIVE
Watch how a Jehovah's Witnesses answers The Qur'an. Jehovah's Witnesses are experts on The Bible and preaching. One of them takes on a Muslim.
Tearful,6 Minutes Catholic to Muslim – Part 2. ‘Live’ Street Da’wah
A shockingly easy way of how to invite to Islam - Alhamdulillah . Please could you support the Da'wah by clicking the 'Like' button...
Why a Real English Gentleman Converts to Islam In 17 minutes ‘LIVE’
The evidence is so compelling that a complete stranger, who has an open mind and educated, cannot but convert to Islam - if it...