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Follow-Up Video of Christian Convert Amazing Advice

Amazing advice by a New Convert to Islam Please Support Our Work by Clicking the Blue Thumbs up Icon Please Visit Dawah Is Easy.com...

Jamaican-From Street-Kid to Islam: Gives Truth to Youth

Boyz n the Hood tells youth to follow Jesus (peace) by becoming Muslim Please could you support the Da'wah by clicking the 'Like' button...

Shocking Advice from New Convert – Revert

Daniel reveals why he converted to Islam in only a few minutes at the Dawah Table in North West London. Please could you support...

MUST SEE Advice of British Convert- 2 mins!

English, Christian Man converts to Islam and gives surprising advice - for everyone. Please could you help spread the message by clicking the 'Like'...

Nightclub Manager – The SHOCKING Truth

Be shocked as a Nightclub Manager tells you what he experienced.

Follow-Up Video of Christian Convert Amazing Advice

Amazing advice by a New Convert to Islam