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British Film Producer Converts to Islam YOU Will Cry! – ‘LIVE’ Street Dawah

Learn : How to show a Theist that they need a religion , PROVE that there is a God and that Islam is true - All in a ' Live Da'wah' situation.

British Actor Converts YOU will Laugh then Cry ‘LIVE’

Is There a God? -Watch and Learn the Proof | Are Men & Women Equal in Islam?- Answered |

Christian Scholar vs Muslim. Shocking & FUNNY Ending – Mini-Version

The Dawah Brother apologizes if it appears that Daniel was not allowed to speak. When Daniel arrived, it looked as if he came prepared and wanted to be filmed.In the Dawah brother's experience, if...

Amazing Conversion from Christianity to Islam. ‘Live’ Street Dawah

This Christian gentleman has worked with Muslims all his life and yet no one has invited him to become a Muslim ! His beliefs had changed but no one had told him ! Please...

Shock Conversion of Ex-British Soldier to Islam! ‘Live’ Street Dawah

Five weeks after returning from Afghanistan, Jeremy becomes a Muslim. Please could you support the Da'wah by clicking the 'Like' button (Blue thumbs up !), Jazakallahu Khairan

Christian Converts to Islam. Must See Ending -‘Live’ Street Dawah

'Live Da'wah' . In London, England, a Romanian Man leaves Christianity one week before Christmas to become a Muslim. Watch how he performs his first prostration to Almighty God,as a Muslim, just as Jesus...

Christian Converts to Islam ‘Live’ Street Dawa

Watch an Easy Dawah technique as a Christian becomes a Muslim -Alhamdulillah -More proof of the truth of the message of Islam ! Please could you support the Da'wah by clicking the 'Like'...

Amazing Vid – British-Angolan Footballer Converts to Muslim-Part 1- LIVE

MUST WATCH - 'LIVE' Street Da'wah (Invitation to Islam).

Catholic from Equador Converts to Islam TEARFUL ENDING ‘LIVE’

Be brought to tears as a New Convert does his first Prayer and Prostration . Watch an amazing description of what Almighty God has prepared for us in Paradise / Heaven. The purpose of...